Opus 16


First album

Hier ist die Beschreibung des erstes Album. Es enthalt eben ein € in die tekst.
Anzeigen: 64397
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Kategorie: Demo

Second album

Zomaar een ander album
Je kan hier zelfs een link hebben!
Anzeigen: 183155
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Album # 4

Dit is album vier. Het heeft (') accenten en (") aanhalingstekens en ook html
Anzeigen: 101488
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A contribution from wlukas
This album displays the thumbnails in the alternative size
Anzeigen: 30974
Album herunterladen
Kategorien: Art, Demo


Fractals made by OpaJaaps program Fractals 1.0
Anzeigen: 20614
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On this page we can give a complete description of Opus 16.

The photo has been placed here with the following WPPA+ shortcode:
[wppa type="photo" photo="1893" size="225" align="left"]

The photo id (1893 in this case) can be found in the Photo Albums -> edit page.
Each photo has its Single image shortcode in the bottom area of the edit photo information screen.

Make sure you check the size="..." item, as you may want to change it, and add align="..." if you want it.

If you need more space for this article, you can decide to select a template for the page that has a wide column with no sidebars.