How to start with Photo Album Plus
This is the official doc site for WPPA+.
Some pages are for logged in users only. You can see that in the menu where the items have an asterix (*). Anyone can register, please do if you want to visit the restricted pages. If you register, you can see the documentation and examples of advanced topics, and upload your photos on this site.
If you have a question, an enhancement request or you found a bug, please use the WPPA+ Support forum
This site is currently running WPPA+
To start with wppa do the following after installation and activation of the plugin: :
- Go to the Photo Albums -> Album Admin page and press the button: .
You will enter the Album Admin page for the album you just created. You can change the name and description here. Leave the other fields ontouched for the moment. There is no submit button, the changes you make are 'auto-saved'. You will also see: Remark: Album 1 is not modified yet that will change into: Remark: Description of album 1 updated, etc.
- Go to the Photo Albums -> Upload Photos page and read the explanation in the yellow box.
Upload one or more photo to the album you just created.
- Now make a post or page with e.g. the title "Photo album".
Use the Text editor and enter in the text area simply the text:[wppa]
and save the post or page.
If you use the Visual editor, press the Album cover icon:and select:
- Type of Gallery display: An other boxtype
- Type miscellaneous: A generic albums display
Press the button:
View the page or post you just created and you will see something like this:
First album
Album # 4
This album displays the thumbnails in the alternative size
You just created your first Photo album page (or post). Try the links, view the thumbnail images and the slideshow.
Note: This site is only multilingual - using qTranslate-x - with respect to wp-photo-album-plus texts. All documentation pages and posts are in the english language available only.