Deprecated: Callables of the form ["scabn_Display", "scabn_Display::scabn_head"] are deprecated in /mnt/web208/b3/15/51893315/htdocs/wppa/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php on line 324

Changelog General Update info


Important update notice

After updating WPPA+ Remember the following:

  • If you have a server side caching program like WP Supercache or W3 Total cache, clear the cache!!
  • If you have any other speeding up plugin installed, clear / reset / re-initialize it!!
  • If, after an update, all links from albums or photos do not seem to work anymore but just reload the page, set the permalink structure on the wp Settings -> Permalinks to Default. Verify that it works again and set the permalink structure back to what you want. Be carefull with the Custom Structure!.