On the full featured slideshow, the visitors can enter comments to the photos.
To switch this feature on, Tick Basic settings -> General -> I -> Item 4: Enable Comments .
You can configure the behaviour like: if the user must be logged in, if an email address is required, if a smileypicker is present, avatar display, moderation, notification emails, points rewards etc... Click the See also link near the activation checkbox Ito see all the related settings.
To show the photos that have recent comments, you can activate the ComTen widget, see the sidebar.
There is also a shortcode version for displaying the most recently commented photos.
In this example 0: system wide, 12: max 12 photos :
[ wppa type="thumbs" album="#comten,0,12"]
HPIM2385.JPG (wppa-admin)
Camera info
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.wppa-label { padding: 0 3px !important; border: none !important; } .wppa-value { padding: 0 3px 0 12px !important; border:none !important; }
Date Time 2011:08:07 12:35:46 Camera HP Photosmart R740 Focal length 8 mm. F-Stop f/3.3 ISO Speed Rating 100 Exposure program Programme AE Metering mode Mesure centrale pondérée Flash Auto, Fired
Views: 1584 times
https://wppa.nl/wp-content/wppa-pl/Child-album/HPIM2385.JPG Notes: 4.07
1584 vus
HPIM2382.JPG (wppa-admin)
Camera info
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.wppa-label { padding: 0 3px !important; border: none !important; } .wppa-value { padding: 0 3px 0 12px !important; border:none !important; }
Date Time 2011:08:07 12:33:45 Camera HP Photosmart R740 Focal length 5.9 mm. F-Stop f/2.8 ISO Speed Rating 100 Exposure program Programme AE Metering mode Mesure centrale pondérée Flash Auto, Fired
Views: 979 times
https://wppa.nl/wp-content/wppa-pl/Child-album/HPIM2382.JPG Notes: 3.67
979 vus
HPIM2380.JPG (wppa-admin)
Camera info
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.wppa-label { padding: 0 3px !important; border: none !important; } .wppa-value { padding: 0 3px 0 12px !important; border:none !important; }
Date Time 2011:08:07 12:32:57 Camera HP Photosmart R740 Focal length 5.9 mm. F-Stop f/2.8 ISO Speed Rating 100 Exposure program Programme AE Metering mode Mesure centrale pondérée Flash Auto, Fired
Views: 941 times
https://wppa.nl/wp-content/wppa-pl/Child-album/HPIM2380.JPG Notes: 3.33
941 vus
HPIM0565 (opajaap)
Camera info
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.wppa-label { padding: 0 3px !important; border: none !important; } .wppa-value { padding: 0 3px 0 12px !important; border:none !important; }
Date Time 2008:09:11 08:45:01 Camera HP Photosmart R740 Focal length 18 mm. F-Stop f/4.9 ISO Speed Rating 100 Exposure program Programme AE Metering mode Mesure centrale pondérée Flash Auto, Fired
Views: 594 times
https://wppa.nl/wp-content/wppa-pl/Child-album/HPIM0565.JPG Notes: 2.75
594 vus
HPIM1865.JPG (opajaap)
Camera info
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.wppa-label { padding: 0 3px !important; border: none !important; } .wppa-value { padding: 0 3px 0 12px !important; border:none !important; }
Date Time 2010:08:10 12:59:25 Camera HP Photosmart R740 Focal length 5.9 mm. F-Stop f/2.8 ISO Speed Rating 100 Exposure program Programme AE Metering mode Mesure centrale pondérée Flash Auto, Fired
Views: 612 times
https://wppa.nl/wp-content/wppa-pl/Child-album/HPIM1866.JPG Notes: 3.25
1 commentaire
612 vus
HPIM1866.JPG (opajaap)
Camera info
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.wppa-label { padding: 0 3px !important; border: none !important; } .wppa-value { padding: 0 3px 0 12px !important; border:none !important; }
Date Time 2010:08:10 12:59:25 Camera HP Photosmart R740 Focal length 5.9 mm. F-Stop f/2.8 ISO Speed Rating 100 Exposure program Programme AE Metering mode Mesure centrale pondérée Flash Auto, Fired
Views: 423 times
https://wppa.nl/wp-content/wppa-pl/Child-album/HPIM1866.JPG Notes: 3.29
423 vus
HPIM1867.JPG (opajaap)
Camera info
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.wppa-label { padding: 0 3px !important; border: none !important; } .wppa-value { padding: 0 3px 0 12px !important; border:none !important; }
Date Time 2010:08:10 12:59:44 Camera HP Photosmart R740 Focal length 14 mm. F-Stop f/4.4 ISO Speed Rating 100 Exposure program Programme AE Metering mode Mesure centrale pondérée Flash Auto, Fired
Views: 399 times
https://wppa.nl/wp-content/wppa-pl/Child-album/HPIM1867.JPG Notes: 3.33
399 vus
HPIM1870.JPG (opajaap)
Camera info
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.wppa-label { padding: 0 3px !important; border: none !important; } .wppa-value { padding: 0 3px 0 12px !important; border:none !important; }
Date Time 2010:08:10 13:00:31 Camera HP Photosmart R740 Focal length 16 mm. F-Stop f/4.7 ISO Speed Rating 100 Exposure program Programme AE Metering mode Mesure centrale pondérée Flash Auto, Fired
Views: 345 times
https://wppa.nl/wp-content/wppa-pl/Child-album/HPIM1870.JPG Notes: 1.86
345 vus
HPIM1868.JPG (opajaap)
Camera info
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.wppa-label { padding: 0 3px !important; border: none !important; } .wppa-value { padding: 0 3px 0 12px !important; border:none !important; }
Date Time 2010:08:10 12:59:57 Camera HP Photosmart R740 Focal length 10 mm. F-Stop f/3.5 ISO Speed Rating 100 Exposure program Programme AE Metering mode Mesure centrale pondérée Flash Auto, Fired
Views: 334 times
https://wppa.nl/wp-content/wppa-pl/Child-album/HPIM1868.JPG Notes: 4.00
334 vus
HPIM1871.JPG (opajaap)
Another picture of mushrooms made by Opa Jaap
Notes: 2.33
20875 vus
HPIM0557.JPG (opajaap)
Mushroom 'rood met witte stippen' also called 'Vliegenzwam'.
Notes: 4.00
21036 vus
HPIM0563.JPG (opajaap)
Camera info
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.wppa-label { padding: 0 3px !important; border: none !important; } .wppa-value { padding: 0 3px 0 12px !important; border:none !important; }
Date Time 2008:09:11 08:41:42 Camera HP Photosmart R740 Focal length 14 mm. F-Stop f/4.4 ISO Speed Rating 100 Exposure program Programme AE Metering mode Mesure centrale pondérée Flash Auto, Fired
Views: 3755 times
https://wppa.nl/wp-content/wppa-pl/Child-album/HPIM0563.JPG Notes: 3.33
3755 vus
HPIM0566.JPG (opajaap)
Camera info
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.wppa-label { padding: 0 3px !important; border: none !important; } .wppa-value { padding: 0 3px 0 12px !important; border:none !important; }
Date Time 2008:09:11 08:46:16 Camera HP Photosmart R740 Focal length 18 mm. F-Stop f/4.9 ISO Speed Rating 100 Exposure program Programme AE Metering mode Mesure centrale pondérée Flash Auto, Fired
Views: 691 times
https://wppa.nl/wp-content/wppa-pl/Child-album/HPIM0566.JPG Notes: 3.83
1 commentaire
691 vus
You can see the comments when you click on the thumbnails, they link to the slideshow.
However... It is most likely that you want the given comments to be shown together with the thumbnails. To achieve this, tick Item 7: ComTen alt display and you will get this display:
[ wppa type="thumbs" album="#comten,0,12"]
Note: This works only with thumbnail type default. You can force the use of type default using inline settings e.g.:
[ wppa_set name="wppa_thumbtype" value="default"]
[ wppa type="thumbs" album="#comten,0,12"]
[ wppa_set]
See also
In-line settings