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User upload


If you enable front-end upload in Basic settings -> General -> I -> Item 6: Enable User uploads, a link will show up on album covers and thumbnail areas of albums where the current visiting user has the right to upload on.

There is also a widget available (WPPA+ Upload) for front-end upload.
In the widget you can specify an album if you want only that album to be assigned for user uploads.

In general you should set the album to: --- a selection box --- in the widget admin.
The visitors will only see the albums in the selectionbox where they have the rights to upload to: the albums they own and albums with the owner set to ---public---.

The same functionality exists in a separate box created by a shortcode:
[wppa type="upload"]

Optionally you can specify one or more albums in the shortcode like: album="5.9..12" meaning albums 5,9,10,11 and 12.

If the visitor has no rights to upload (when there are no --- public --- albums and no albums owned by the visitor in the specified albums or in any albums in the default case, or the user is not logged in while you configured they should in Advanced settings -> Users -> 32: Upload logout unticked), the box and/or the widget will not be displayed.

Important settings related to front-end upload

  • Basic settings -> Thumbnails -> II: Thumbnail display options -> Item 19: Upload/create link on thumbnail area Select the location of the upload (and create) links.
  • All settings in Advanced settinhgs -> Users
  • Advanced settings -> Admin -> II: Frontend create Albums and upload Photos enabling and limiting settings