Tags Filter
The Photo Tags Filter feature enables you to quickly find photos having certain tags. Both in the widget as in the shortcode version, you can limit the cloud to a certain set of tags. In the widget select the tags in the multi selection box at widget activation; in the shortcode, add the attribute taglist="tag1,tag2"
, any number of tags, seperated by comma's, no spaces.
You can display the tags in any number of columns ( 2 is the default ) by adding the attribute cols="n", e.g.: cols="3"
If you do not want the And
and the Or
checkboxes or the Inverse selection
checkbox, you can switch them off in Basic settings -> Search -> I -> Item 9: Tags OR only and Item 10: Tags add Inverse
The shortcodes on this page are:
[wppa type="landing"]
[wppa type="multitag" cols="3"]
I have set the landing page to this page in Basic settings -> Links -> III: Links from items and images in widgets -> 12: Multitag Link. This makes that the results are displayed on this page, while the Tags Filter (a.k.a. multitag) box is not replaced by the results. If you want the multitag box above the results, put the landing shortcode below the multitag shortcode, and set the occur to 2 at the very right hand side of Basic settings -> Links -> III: Links from items and images in widgets -> Item 12: Multitag Link, because you want the results displayed on the second shortcode occurrance on the page.
Note: Although both versions are shown on this page, you should have maximum only either one multitag box or one multitag widget on a page. If you want to test it here, use the shortcode (box) version, not the widget.
Et | Ou |
Inverser la sélection |
Addingham | Alblasserwaard | Amusementpark |
Animals | Bangladesh | Barrel |
Behavior | Berlin | Bird |
Cactus | Canada | Cancer |
Care | Children | Contest |
Development | Dish | Dog |
Dolomites | Duck | Edit |
Festivaloflights | Fff | Flower |
Food | Forest | Freehanded |
Fridays For Future | GPX | Garbage |
Garden | Geo_demo | Health |
Holland | Hotairballooning | House |
Iris | Italy | Kunst |
Landschap | Leash | Lola |
Main Street | Medicine | Moslems |
Nederland Utrecht | Nikon | Nubuyftf |
Old School | Organ | Owl |
Painting | People | Play |
Pod | Polder | Police |
Pony | Pup | Puppy |
Rickshaws | Robot | Seed |
Ship | Shortcode | Sickness |
Snails | Social Movement | Socializing |
Swan | Ticks | Toys |
Training | Trees | Underwater |
Vaccination | Veterinarian | Video |
Vintage Magazine Ads | Virtual | Vpc |