Photo display
The easiest way to display a single photo in your blogpost is by using the standardised [photo 3139]
shortcode, where the number (3139 in this example) is the id of an existing photo.
The ability to use the [photo ...]
shortcode must be activated on Basic settings -> General -> I -> Item 14: Enable shortcode [photo ...].
The way the photo is displayed (kind of caption if any, size and alignment) can be set in Basic settings -> Photos -> II: Shortcode [photo ...] specifications

This is photo number 3139.
Its filename is 1614.jpg, its photo name is 1614.jpg.
It has been uploaded by Unknown user on 15 October 2013 14:40, and last modified on 27 July 2016 17:48.
Tags are: Gpx. Views: 11670 times.
The fully customizable way to display a single photo is basially the folllowing shortcode:
[wppa type="photo" photo="12"]

The code can be found on the Photo Albums -> Edit -> Manage Photos admin page. Each photo has a sample single image shortcode.
As you see, there are no breadcrumbs or other navigation bars, just the plain photo.
Maybe you want to display a smaller photo. Just change the width as in this example:
[wppa type="photo" photo="12" size="250"]

The photo is left-aligned. To change this, do the following:
[wppa type="photo" photo="12" size="250" align="center"]

You can choose: left, center and right. You can use the attributes size=".."
and align=".."
in all wppa shortcodes.
[wppa type="photo" photo="13" size="250" align="right"]

Display a photo like a standard wp media photo with the photo description as subtext:
[wppa type="mphoto" photo="12" size="250" align="center"]

Mushroom 'rood met witte stippen' also called 'Vliegenzwam'.
If you want it right-aligned:
[wppa type="mphoto" photo="13" size="250" align="right"]

Another picture of mushrooms made by Opa Jaap
Half the available width responsive and centered:
[wppa type="mphoto" photo="12" size="0.5" align="center"]

Mushroom 'rood met witte stippen' also called 'Vliegenzwam'.