Custom page template
This page is made using a customized page template.
It shows you a slideshow on a black background.
A statistical message is added at the top of the page.
The text color of the names and descriptions is changed and the background color of the navigation bars is modified.
This is just an example that you could use for the Generic Photo Album (just publish a page with a title and [wppa]
in the content only), you can do much more! You can modify most of the 'standard' settings in the Photo Albums -> Settings admin page that apply to the appearance of the display.
The title of the page is 'Custom page template'.
The contents of the page is: (besides the text above and below the black area):
[wppa type="slide" album="4"]
You will find the page template here: .../wp-content/plugins/wp-photo-album-plus/theme/photo-album-page-2016.php
If you want to use it, copy it to your theme directory.