Photo Albums This is the landing page for the Album Navigator and the Thumbnail ALbums widget. Photo Albums•Members•japortelaDefault photo album for japortelaCaracol (japortela)WaarIn the garden Camera info Hide Camera info Date Time2015:05:24 20:18:34CameraNIKON D3200Focal length55 mm.F-Stopf/11ISO Speed Rating100Exposure programHandmatigMetering modeMulti-segmentFlashGeen flits x bekeken EERSTE Caracol (japortela)WaarIn the garden Camera info Hide Camera info Date Time2015:06:18 22:54:50CameraNIKON D3200Focal length55 mm.F-Stopf/5.6ISO Speed Rating100Exposure programHandmatigMetering modeMulti-segmentFlashGeen flits x bekeken Photo Albums was last modified: %509 03111, %2020 by Jaap Breetvelt