Deprecated: Callables of the form ["scabn_Display", "scabn_Display::scabn_head"] are deprecated in /mnt/web208/b3/15/51893315/htdocs/wppa/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php on line 324

IPTC and EXIF data


IPTC data is information you may have added with a photo manipulation program like Photoshop.
EXIF data is meta information added by the camara software at the moment the photo is taken.

When you import or upload photos, and they contain EXIF and/or IPTC meta data, this data is saved inside the WPPA+ system in seperate database tables (if it is enabled in Basic settings -> General -> Items 8 and 9).

When you configure the IPTC and EXIF tables in the Settings screen (Advanced settings -> EXIF and IPTC), and switch the display of the IPTC and EXIF boxes on (Basic settings -> Slideshow -> I: Sllideshow component specifications -> Items 31..34), you will find the two boxes below the slideshow.

The items to be displayed are settable in the Settings screen (Advanced settings -> EXIF and IPTC).

  • display: display at least the caption, and the data if not empty, of the item if the item was originally present in the photofile
  • optional: display the item and its caption if the item was originally present in the photofile and the data is not empty or blank.
  • hide: do not display this item nor its caption.

You can use the IPTC and EXIF meta information in the photo description box. The tagnames, like 2#120 (IPTC: Caption) and E#829D (EXIF:F number) may be used in the photo description field. These keywords are placeholders and will automaticly be replaced by its (properly formatted) value.

You can also supply the IPTC and EXIF labels by keywords, so, if you change the text in Advanced settings -> EXIF and IPTC, it will be updated (and translated by qTranslate-x) without further action. The keywords have an extra L right after the # sign like: 2#L120 and E#L829D

Now it is time for an example:

Place this code in the description field (simply cut from here and paste into a photo description box on the Manage Photos part of the Photo Albums admin page):

<a onClick="jQuery('.wppa-dtl').css('display', 'block'); jQuery('.wppa-more').css('display', 'none'); wppaOvlResize();">
<div class="wppa-more">
Camera info
<a onClick="jQuery('.wppa-dtl').css('display', 'none'); jQuery('.wppa-more').css('display', 'block'); wppaOvlResize();">
<div class="wppa-dtl" style="display:none;" >
Hide Camera info
<div class="wppa-dtl" style="display:none;">
<br />
<table style="margin:0; border:none;" >
<tr><td class="wppa-label" >2#L005</td><td class="wppa-value" >2#005</td></tr>
<tr><td class="wppa-label" >2#L080</td><td class="wppa-value" >2#080</td></tr>
<tr><td class="wppa-label" >E#L0132</td><td class="wppa-value" >E#0132</td></tr>
<tr><td class="wppa-label" >E#L0110</td><td class="wppa-value" >E#0110</td></tr>
<tr><td class="wppa-label" >E#L920A</td><td class="wppa-value" >E#920A</td></tr>
<tr><td class="wppa-label" >E#L8290</td><td class="wppa-value" >E#829D</td></tr>
<tr><td class="wppa-label" >E#L8827</td><td class="wppa-value" >E#8827</td></tr>
<tr><td class="wppa-label" >E#L8822</td><td class="wppa-value" >E#8822</td></tr>
<tr><td class="wppa-label" >E#L9207</td><td class="wppa-value" >E#9207</td></tr>
<tr><td class="wppa-label" >E#L9209</td><td class="wppa-value" >E#9209</td></tr>
</div> Views: w#views times <br />w#pl

And see what happens with the description box:

Gemiddelde waardering  1 2 3 4 5fJe moet inloggen om te stemmen

Some things you should know about how WPPA+ handles IPTC and EXIF meta information:

  • When you resize a photo with a simple resizing program before uploading, it is most likely that the IPTC and EXIF meta data is lost
  • When you make WPPA+ resize the photos during upload, and/or if you apply a watermark, the data will be saved into the database tables but will no longer be inside the resized photofile when it is saved inside the WPPA+ system.
  • If you move photos to a different album, the IPTC and EXIF data is preserved (as it is linked to the photo id)
  • If you copy a photo to a different album, the IPTC and EXIF data is not copied along.
  • If you did NOT resize during upload, or you saved the sourcefiles, you can recuperate the original IPTC and EXIF data (e.g. for copied photos) with the action from Advanced settings -> Maintenance -> I: Regular maintenance procedures -> Item 7: Recuperate
  • You can enter a text like above in Advanced settings -> New -> I -> Item 13: New photo desc and tick the box in Item 12: Apply Newphoto desc. All new added photos will have the info in their description. If you want existing photos to have this description, run the maintenance proc in Advanced settings -> Maintenance -> II: Clearing and other irreversable maintenance procedures -> Item 6: Apply New Photodesc. You can also run this later, if you changed your mind after uploading a lot of photos and changed the content of Advanced settings -> New -> I -> Item 13: New photo desc. This procedure will take some time if you hav many photos in the system because of the fact that the search index table is updated also. This assures that you can search on the iptc and exif values.