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Moderate Photos


Users who have the Moderate capability set in Advanced settings -> Admin -> I: WPPA+ related roles and capabilities, will also have the sub-menu item Photo Albums -> Moderate Photos. This submenu item opens the Moderate Photos admin page:


Photo ALbums -> Moderate Photos

Both the status of pending photos as well as the status of pending comments can be changed:

Photo Albums -> Moderate Photos: Photo status


Photo Albums -> Moderate Photos: Comment status

If there are no photos and no comments to moderate, you will see a list of all photos of which the user has the right to edit, in descending timestamp order, paginated according to the page size as set in Advanced settings -> Admin -> VI: Miscellaneous admin related settings -> Item 5: Photo admin page size

Important Related settings:

Setting Name Description
Advanced settings -> Admin -> I The user role Moderate
Advanced settings -> Admin -> IV -> Item 5 Photo admin page size The number of photos per page on the Edit Album -> Manage photos and Edit Photos admin pages.
Advanced settings -> Admin -> II: Frontend create Albums and upload Photos enabling and limiting settings -> Item 11: Upload moderation Uploaded photos need moderation.
Basic settings -> General -> I -> Item 4: Comments system Enable the comments system.
Basic settings -> Comments -> I -> Item 4: Comment moderation Comments from what users need approval.