Deprecated: Callables of the form ["scabn_Display", "scabn_Display::scabn_head"] are deprecated in /mnt/web208/b3/15/51893315/htdocs/wppa/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php on line 324



A TopTen display will show a number of top rated photos, according to the configured top-criterium.
This can be achieved by a shortcode, or in a widget.

For a shortcode, the sort order is conform the setting in Basic settings -> Rating -> I -> Item 32: Top criterium in descending order.
Possible criteria are: Top rated (mean value), Rating count (number of votes), View count (number of times a visitor viewed the display or lightbox photo).

The widget on this page shows the top most frequently viewed 20 photos out of all generic albums and their sub-albums. The sort criterium can be set on the widget activation screen. The number of photos in the widget is set in Basic settings -> Widget -> I: General widget size settings -> Item 2: TopTen count. The size of the thumbnails is set in Basic settings -> Widget -> I: General widget size settings -> Item 3: TopTen size.

A TopTen display, systemwide, max 12 thumbnails, with medals only:
[wppa type="thumbs" album="#topten,0,12,medals"]

Docs by subjectTopTenBest beoordeelde foto's
Bronzen medaille
Aivazovsky-1835 (wl)
View of the Coast Near St. Petersburg
Camera info
Views: 2226 times
Niet beschikbaar
Waardering: 4.83
2226 x bekeken
Bronzen medaille
image01 (opajaap)
Ambtenaar die een automatiseringsprobleem gaat oplossen! Views: 22958 times
Waardering: 4.46
4 reacties
22958 x bekeken
Bronzen medaille
Papegaaien.jpg (opajaap)
This is a description
with Turkish characters. ? ü ? ç ö ? .4
Its Size is only 480 pixels in height. Views: 8190 times
Waardering: 4.46
8190 x bekeken
Bronzen medaille
183836304.jpg (imranansari)
Camera info
Views: 438 times
Niet beschikbaar
Waardering: 4.38
438 x bekeken
Zilveren Medaille
HPIM0687.JPG (opajaap)
Waardering: 4.24
2 reacties
10594 x bekeken
Bronzen medaille
HPIM2385.JPG (wppa-admin)
Camera info
Views: 1583 times
Waardering: 4.07
1583 x bekeken
Bronzen medaille
HPIM0557.JPG (opajaap)
Mushroom 'rood met witte stippen' also called 'Vliegenzwam'.
Waardering: 4.00
20752 x bekeken
Gouden Medaille
HPIM2380.JPG (opajaap)
Waardering: 3.91
2 reacties
4432 x bekeken
Zilveren Medaille
HPIM1365.JPG (opajaap)
The big buddha in the garden in Maasbree Views: 15689 times
Waardering: 3.91
2 reacties
15689 x bekeken
Zilveren Medaille
De drie jees.jpg (opajaap)
These boys are world famous in Holland Views: 15272 times
Waardering: 3.75
1 reactie
15272 x bekeken
Gouden Medaille
image06 (opajaap)
Human sperm (spermatozoa), the male sex cells Views: 456 times
Waardering: 3.75
6 reacties
456 x bekeken
Zilveren Medaille
HPIM1530.JPG (opajaap)
Waardering: 3.53
4736 x bekeken