Best Of Photos


If the rating system is enabled in Basic settings -> General -> I Item 5: Enable Ratings and configured in Basic settings -> Rating according to your preferences, you can easely display the best recently rated photos using shortcode type="bestof"
[wppa type="bestof" count="6" sortby="ratingcount" period="lastyear" height="120"]

Docs by subjectBest Of PhotosMembersOpa Jaap 1Opa Jaap 2Extended regular search
37435 (opajaap)
White red bird
162 x bekeken
75358 (opajaap)
Red bird
131 x bekeken
75311 (opajaap)
Red blue green yellow bird
114 x bekeken
73947 (opajaap)
Red white bird
143 x bekeken
HPIM2040 (opajaap)
Red cat
124 x bekeken
85403 (opajaap)
Purple flower
147 x bekeken
85402 (opajaap)
Red flowers
132 x bekeken
85375 (opajaap)
Purple flower
107 x bekeken
85350 (opajaap)
Red flower
106 x bekeken
85289 (opajaap)
Yellow flower
147 x bekeken
85287 (opajaap)
Yellow red brown flower
134 x bekeken
84839 (opajaap)
Blue bird
131 x bekeken
84594 (opajaap)
Blue green bird
98 x bekeken
84152 (opajaap)
Red white cat
119 x bekeken
84132 (opajaap)
Red white bird
105 x bekeken
84085 (opajaap)
White flower
102 x bekeken
84084 (opajaap)
White flower
115 x bekeken
84020 (opajaap)
White bird
128 x bekeken
83736 (opajaap)
Red white cat
96 x bekeken
82972 (opajaap)
Purple flower
83 x bekeken
82688 (opajaap)
White bird
102 x bekeken
81654 (opajaap)
White bird
83 x bekeken

The shortcode version supports the following optional atributes:

Attribute (default) Example Meaning
page (0) page="4711" linkpage
count (1) count="12" max number to show
sortby (maxratingcount) sortby="meanrating" the selection criterium. Must be one ot of "maxratingcount", "meanrating", "ratingcount" or "totvalue"
display (photo) display="owner" what to show. Must be one out of "photo" or "owner"
period (thisweek) period="lastyear" the period to look for. Must be one out of "lastweek", "thisweek", "lastmonth", "thismonth", "lastyear" or "thisyear"
maxratings (yes) maxratings="no" Whether to display the number of max ratings. Either "yes" or "no"
meanrat (yes) meanrat="no" Whether to display the mean rating. Either "yes" or "no"
ratcount (yes) ratcount="yes" Whether to display the number of votes. Either "yes" or "no"
totvalue (no) totvalue="no" Whether to display the total count of votes. Either "yes" or "no"
linktype (none) linktype="owneralbums" What to show on the linkpage. Must be one out of "none", "owneralbums", "ownerphotos" or "upldrphotos"
fontsize (The setting in Basic settings -> Layout -> V: Fonts -> Item 10: Widget thumbs fontsize) fontsize="10" The size of the font used in the subtitles
lineheight (fontsize * 1.5) lineheight="15" The lineheight for the subtitles
height (200) height="120" The total height of the displayed images Staring at version 6.8.04 this value is the maximum for the width and the height of the image

The feature is also available as widget.
The first widget shows the best rated photos last year based on mean value.

The second widget shows the best rated photos this year based on number of max ratings.

The second widget shows the names (and links to all their photos) of the best photographers of last year, based on number of max ratings.

You can select various time periods, selection critera and display options.