Photo Albums This is the landing page for the Album Navigator and the Thumbnail ALbums widget. Photo Albums•Members•JagwaughDefault photo album for Jagwaugh20140509_153914 (Jagwaugh) Camera info Hide Camera info Date Time2015:01:20 15:04:33CameraGT-N7105Focal length3.7 mm.F-Stopf/2.6ISO Speed Rating250Exposure programPriorité ouverture AEMetering modeMesure centrale pondéréeFlashPas de flash vus PREMIER image0001 (Jagwaugh) Camera info Hide Camera info Date Time2003:04:06 17:15:13CameraE800Focal length7.8 mm.F-Stopf/5.7ISO Speed Rating100Exposure programProgramme AEMetering modeMulti-segmentsFlashPas de flash vus Photo Albums was last modified: %509 03111, %2020 by Jaap Breetvelt